Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Every good and perfect gift comes from above. James 1:17

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Sherrod's Favorite Things

Now that Sherrod is almost 15 months (Wow! Time flies), he has learned to tell you what he likes/dislikes and he is very clear about it!

Food & Drink: Milk, milk, and more milk...Cheese or anything cheesy, Spaghetti O's, Teddy Grahams, Chips, Lasagna, and anything else you can imagine that is unhealthy. If you try to give him fruits and vegetables, they will all be on the floor...or in the dog's mouth! He loves to feed the dog his leftovers or anything he doesn't like!

Toys: Four wheeler-this one is a new found love! He doesn't know how to hold the button down to go so he just pushes it every now and then and almost throws himself off. He also likes his other riding toys, except he doesn't ride them. He just gets on then off and on and off...

Chores: Sherrod loves to do laundry! He opens and closes the dryer door the whole time I'm doing laundry. What a great little helper!

Words: "Down" is the newest, but everything is "down." Whether he is already on the floor or if I'm holding him, he says "down." So, I'm not sure if he really knows what it means. He also likes saying the words outside (pronounced outsiiiiiiiide), car, tractor, Seika (the dog's name), night night, bye bye (with a big Miss America wave), bite, Daddy (sounds like Daddeeeeeee), bath, boo (which he says Boooooooooo in a deep voice) and a whole bunch of other babble that we can't quite figure out. We're trying to work on manners. He did repeat me the other day when I said "thank you."

OUR favorite thing Sherrod does: We say, "Sherrod are you ready to get in your bed?"
Sherrod walks back to his bedroom and grabs on to the posts on his crib! He actually wants to get in his bed and go "night night!" He also walks to the bathtub when you ask him if he's ready for a bath. Sweet little boy!

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