Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Every good and perfect gift comes from above. James 1:17

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Please don't call social services!!!

Every Friday I work until 6, so Russell and Sherrod have some good father-son time. They go see friends, get some food, occasionally stroll and play inside. So yesterday I get home from work and the conversation goes something like this:

Allison: "Hey! What have ya'll been doing?"
Russell: "You've got to see this!" (As he is handing me the camera)
Allison: "Oh my gosh!!!" (As I'm going thru the pictures he had taken)
"Why is Sherrod in the dog kennel?"
Russell: "Well, I walked into the other room for a minute and when I came back
he was in there. I had to take a picture of it."

I did laugh about it. Sherrod loves to open and close the dog's kennel door, but usually from the outside... NOT the inside!


B.J. and Mark said...

Hey girl! Of course I remember you. I'm so glad you left a message. I blog "stalk" all the time, so I'm going to add y'all to my list! :) Your little boy is precious!

Rachel Trimm-Scarbrough said...

Hey! This is Rachel Scarbrough--I live in Clarksdale, and I graduated with Russell--Sherrod is so big! He is precious! So glad we found your blog! Ours is! We'll keep in touch!