Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Every good and perfect gift comes from above. James 1:17

Friday, April 10, 2009

Videos from 18 Week Ultrasound

To All Voters...

For those of you who voted, the sex of baby 2 has been determined...IT'S A GIRL!!! We went yesterday for an 18 week ultrasound and the doc said everything looked good. They said she's weighing in at about 7 oz. and her heart rate is good! We have a video of the ultrasound and I'll be posting that as soon as I figure out how to do to it. Please keep Russell in your prayers-he is now convinced we will be broke...but I still can't figure out why he doesn't think we're broke already??? Baby girl will be called "Carlisle" after my middle name, but that is all the info we have right now! I worked on getting Sherrod to say "baby sister" and "Carlisle" yesterday and he said it a few times but was on to something else very quick! He'll come around :)

Sunday, April 5, 2009

War over Licking the Spoon

Anytime I make something sweet, Russell likes to lick the bowl and spoon. Sherrod thought he needed a taste today when I was making cookies, and unfortunately for Russell, he liked licking the spoon (or whisk) too! Of course Sherrod won!

Gone Huntin'

Russell went hunting this morning and wanted to share his "kill" with his little soon-to-be hunter. Sherrod liked the turkey so much that he helped daddy dearest clean it...and then came in and wiped blood on my couch! I wasn't too happy about his hand having turkey blood on it OR that he wiped it off on my furniture!!!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Boys will be Boys!!!

After chowing down on Spaghetti-O's, Sherrod thought he needed a little bit more play time before bath time-he was a mess!!!

Day Trip to Memphis

We took a little road trip to the Memphis zoo to let Sherrod and Hudson see the animals. We had a blast and the weather was perfect!!!

After the zoo, we went to Chuck-E-Cheese...yummmmmmy!!! Needless to say, Sherrod and Hudson were exhausted!

Our Favorite Thing to do Outside

Thanks to Reid and Lauren for loaning it to us!!!

Who is this child???

2 Little Monkeys Jumpin on the Bed...

Luckily neither fell off and bumped their head!!!

Notice we've converted to a toddler bed and so far it's been very successful!!!

Bath Time

These 2 boys can really make a mess in the bathroom, but they enjoy every second of it!

After bath, they enjoy reading with Russell...for a whole 5 seconds!

Catch Up!!!

I am way behind on blogging...between everyone being sick and running up and down the roads on the weekends, I haven't had any time to put new pics up, so prepare for LOTS of them!!!

You will see several pics with Sherrod's best friend, Hudson. They've been spending lots of time together lately since the weather has gotten warmer and the days have gotten longer!